gun crime lawyer near me


Weapons Charges with a Skilled Criminal Defense Attorney

Many Americans consider the right to bear arms one of their most important constitutional freedoms. While numerous federal and state laws support the legal ownership and use of firearms, harsh penalties can be imposed for the illegal possession or use of a gun or another type of weapon. When a firearm is used in a crime in Michigan, a jail or prison sentence can easily result.

gun crime lawyer


If you or a loved one has been arrested on weapons charges, it is important to seek experienced legal counsel as soon as possible as soon as possible to ensure that your rights are protected and to navigate the complexities surrounding such charges effectively. having an experienced attorney by your side becomes crucial for crafting a great defense strategy tailored to the unique circumstances of your weapons charges.

At the Law Offices of Harris & Literski, we advise and represent clients who have been charged with crimes related to:

  • Concealed firearms: If you have been charged with carrying a concealed weapon (sometimes known as
    CCW) without a permit or in a banned location, we can assist you in protecting your rights.

  • Felony firearm charges: We can represent you if you were accused of committing a
    felony while in possession of a firearm. A common example is drug possession or distribution that also involves the presence of a weapon on a defendant’s person, in a vehicle or in a house that has been subject to search.

  • Purchase of a gun if you have a previous felony conviction

  • Unlawful discharge of a firearm

  • Assault with a deadly weapon, homicide or another violent offense involving a weapon

In every weapons case, our defense attorneys will develop a strategy designed to help our clients avoid imprisonment or otherwise minimize the penalties. Our attorneys are experienced with state and federal charges of all kinds.


We will make sure that your side of the story is told and do everything possible to spare you from the most severe punishment. In many cases, we can negotiate alternatives such as anger management counseling, probation or community service in lieu of jail and the black mark of an assault conviction.

At the Law Offices of Harris & Literski, we can defend you against any weapons charge you are facing. Contact us for a free consultation with an experienced Michigan criminal defense attorney.